Olympia server problems with collation

Hi guys,

After hours of troubleshooting I think I discovered an issue between OlympiaServer and the Latin1_General_CS_AI.

We created a new MSSQL 2016 database (COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL = 130) for Olympia server and we started getting errors about unknown column names. (EventId, EventUser, etc).

To make the story short, the only way we stopped having issues was if we recreate the database using the backwards compatible SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS collation.

So for anyone out there having issues that will be something to try.

It is important to mention that Microsoft is pushing towards using the Windows collation (Latin1_GENERAL_CS_AI) for new databases. They will be using for a while the SQL collation for cloud services to avoid compatibility issues so on that part we are safe.


Thank you for the report.

The issue is that Schema mentions field names as EventId, EventUser etc while database itself contains tables defined like

	[EVENTUSER] [char] (36) NOT NULL ,
	[EVENTID] [char] (36) NOT NULL 

That’s not an issue for Case-Insensitive collations yet a breaking thing for Case-Sensitive ones like Latin1_General_CS_AI

We’ll update the DB script so it will work for both collation kinds


Thanks, logged as bugs://80641

bugs://80641 got closed with status fixed.