OlympiaServer won't build


It was suggested that I look into Olympia Server for use as the session manager for an RO SDK project.

I saw this article in your documentation that states that Olympia Server is shipped as a pre-compiled server executable for Windows, Linus, and Mac (with Mono). However, I couldn’t find the pre-compiled versions.

When I attempt to compile the server I receive the following messages:

1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: RemObjects.Olympia, Configuration: Debug ------
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\MSBuild\RemObjects Software\Elements\RemObjects.Elements.Echoes.targets(70,3): warning W59: Reference “RemObjects.DataAbstract.Server, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3df3cad1b7aa5098” was compiled with an older version of the compiler and should not be used with the current version
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\MSBuild\RemObjects Software\Elements\RemObjects.Elements.Echoes.targets(70,3): error E90: Could not load public key “RemObjectsSoftware”
1>Done building project “RemObjects.Olympia.oxygene” – FAILED.
1>Build FAILED.
2>------ Rebuild All started: Project: ROOlympiaServer, Configuration: Debug ------
2>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\MSBuild\RemObjects Software\Elements\RemObjects.Elements.Echoes.targets(70,3): error : Project Reference ‘…\RemObjects.Olympia\RemObjects.Olympia.oxygene’ could not be resolved for target ‘Echoes’ (Echoes .NET anycpu).
2>Done building project “ROOlympiaServer.oxygene” – FAILED.
2>Build FAILED.
========== Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 2 failed, 0 skipped ==========

It seems that there’s a public key missing but I’m not sure how to implement that.

Also, will this solution build all of the available options (Windows, Linux, and Mac)?
If run on Linux will it talk to a SQL Server database or just SQLite?


There should not be any need to rebuild Olympia locally. If you really want to rebuild it locally you need to either remove these 3 lines from AssemlyInfo.pas to remove key reference:

[assembly: AssemblyDelaySign(false)]
[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile('')]
[assembly: AssemblyKeyName('RemObjectsSoftware')]

or to generate a fake private signing key using this tool: Sn.exe (Strong Name Tool) - .NET Framework | Microsoft Learn

Not a public but a private signing key. Obviously it is not shipped with any RemObjects producs as it should stay private.

Please check this folder / file: ...\RemObjects Software\RemObjects SDK (Common)\Bin\ROOlympiaServer.exe

Configuration information: Olympia Server

You need to copy these files from the source folder:

  • RemObjects.SDK.dll
  • RemObjects.SDK.Server.dll
  • RemObjects.DataAbstract.dll
  • RemObjects.DataAbstract.Server.dll
  • System.Data.SQLite.DLL
  • ROOlympiaServer.exe.config
  • ROOlympiaServer.exe
  • Olympia.json
  • Olympia.sqb

Use sample: The Session Types shipped with Remoting SDK


Hi there,
It will be a good idea to include this list of required files on the documentation part you indicated above. I did it with trial and error but having the official list will help others.

Yeah, sorry for that. Already logged an issue to do this (was pretty sure that the list was already there)

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bugs://83651 got closed with status fixed.

bugs://83642 got closed with status fixed.