
Almost forgot to test this one …

I have to add RemObjects.Elements.Obfuscation the uses.
And it works!


The obfuscation call fails during compile after I added it to all strings in a unit .
buildLog.txt (9.4 KB)

Extra info:
I have this string:

var ConStr := "Persist Security Info=true;server=" + Server + 
              ";Initial Catalog=" + Db + 
              ";Application Name=" + system.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName + 
              ";MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Pooling=false;" as SafeString; //safestring = not nullable string

Add the first:

var ConStr := "Persist Security Info=true;server=" + Server + 
              ObfuscateString(";Initial Catalog=") + Db + 
              ";Application Name=" + system.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName + 
              ";MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Pooling=false;" as SafeString;

And it compiles.

add the second:

var ConStr := ObfuscateString("Persist Security Info=true;server=") + Server + 
              ObfuscateString(";Initial Catalog=") + Db + 
              ";Application Name=" + system.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName + 
              ";MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Pooling=false;" as SafeString;

And it compiles.

Add the third:

var ConStr := ObfuscateString("Persist Security Info=true;server=") + Server + 
              ObfuscateString(";Initial Catalog=") + Db + 
              ObfuscateString(";Application Name=") + system.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName + 
              ";MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Pooling=false;" as SafeString;

Does not compile anymore

And it won’t compile until I remove all Obfuscate string calls.

Thanks, logged as bugs://80808

this works fine:

Got it.

bugs://80808 got closed with status fixed.

Fix confirmed.

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bugs://80510 got closed with status fixed.