Possible to build iOS library with Oxygen for wrapping in React Native?

Hi all.
Is it possible to write a native iOS library with Oxygen and wrap this library for use in React Native?

I’ll probably port my app from Delphi to React Native. The Delphi app is only started, so I’ll bail out from Delphi now rather than be sorry later (I don’t trust Embarcadero anymore).

React Native makes it easy to wrap native libraries. My need is to build a drawing component. The component will be almost like MapView, but will handle floor plan drawings instead of maps. Main features of the component:

  • Underlaying image (floorplan) loaded as tiles (files are about 50 MPixel)
  • Drawing on top of image with polygons, text, etc
  • Layer handling
  • Events communicated to React Native when new “pin” is created etc (about the same as MapView)
  • Tiles will be loaded from local file storage (I will put them there though React Native)

Has anyone tried to wrap Oxygen libraries in React Native? My alternative is to learn Swift, but I’d rather stay with the Delphi syntax. I’m also hoping that some of the code, or at least the architecture, will be reusable if I need an Android version of the component as well.

Thanks in advance.

Hi. Sorry for the belated reply.

Oxygene generates pure Cocoa libraries with .a and .h files, that look indistunguishable from those created with ObjC. So using them from React Native should be seamless.