Post build event does not work

Visual Studio 2015 Community update 3

I put this in post build event:

xcopy "$(TargetDir)$(TargetFileName)" "C:\Users\charly.DTRF\Documents\Visual Studio\Projects\Oxygene\WPF\CompleteClassTest" /Y /I

and the output shows:

PostBuildEvent = xcopy "" "C:\Users\charly.DTRF\Documents\Visual Studio\Projects\Oxygene\WPF\CompleteClassTest" /Y /I

so it seems that macros do not work.

I have done another test putting:

xcopy "C:\Users\charly.DTRF\Documents\Visual Studio\Projects\Oxygene\WPF\CompleteClassTest\bin\Debug\CompleteClassTest.dll" "C:\Users\charly.DTRF\Documents\Visual Studio\Projects\Oxygene\WPF\CompleteClassTest" /Y /I

and the output shows:

PostBuildEvent = xcopy "C:\Users\charly.DTRF\Documents\Visual Studio\Projects\Oxygene\WPF\CompleteClassTest\bin\Debug\CompleteClassTest.dll" "C:\Users\charly.DTRF\Documents\Visual Studio\Projects\Oxygene\WPF\CompleteClassTest" /Y /I

but the file is not copied.

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I’m afraid EBuild does not currently support Pre/PostBuild events. it’s own the list to look into.

Well, bad luck.

Is there any way to continue using msbuild?

for Echoes projects, you vna change the .targets import in the prpject file to RemObjects.Elements.Echoes.Legacy.targets.