Problem with update command. Replacing ":" into "@"


Actually, we’re facing a problem when exectuting SQL UPDATE when we have a field with text content with “:” character. Follow the code snippet on Oxygene project:

     daconn : IAbstractConnection; 

method TDAADOConn.execSQL (sql: String): Integer;

var  cmd : IDbCommand;


    cmd := daconn.NewCommand(sql);
    Result := cmd.ExecuteNonQuery;

When executed a UPDATE like that:

UPDATE TABLE T SET T.MESSAGE = “Today is: 05/05/2021 01:04:05” WHERE T.ID = 1;

After parse NewCommand(sql), the text changes from “Today is: 05/05/2021 01:04:05” to “Today is@ 05/05/2021 01@04@05” and apply to the database.

On other hand, an INSERT preserve the Original Text, passing by the same command!

Is there some command to preserve the Original text? Keeping : instead replace it to @?

OS Version: Windows 10
DataAbstract Version: RemObjects Data Abstract for Water and Visual Studio, Server Edition -
IDE: Visual Studio 2019 and Water.
DataBase: MySQL 5.7 using DB Connector: mysql-connector-net-8.0.25



For My SQL you need to use ' to define string literals, not ":

UPDATE TABLE T SET T.MESSAGE = 'Today is: 05/05/2021 01:04:05' WHERE T.ID = 1;

While MySQL itself sometimes allows to use " for string literals as well, it depends on server settings:

So Data Abstract uses ' as string delimiter


Sorry. This is the exacts commands before cmd.newcommand and after it.

(Before) sql = ‘INSERT INTO TABLE (MESSAGE) VALUES (’‘Today is: 05/05/2021 01:04:05’‘)’
(After) CommandText = ‘INSERT INTO TABLE (MESSAGE) VALUES (’‘Today is: 05/05/2021 01:04:05’‘)’

(Before) sql = ‘UPDATE TABLE T SET T.MESSAGE = “Today is: 05/05/2021 01:04:05” WHERE T.ID = “1”’
(After) CommandText = ‘UPDATE TABLE T SET T.MESSAGE = “Today is@ 05/05/2021 01@04@05” WHERE T.ID = “1”’

Thank you.

For My SQL you need to use ' to define string literals, not "

Also it is highly recommended to use parametrized commands instead of plain string concatenation. Otherwise your code might have the SQL Injection vulnerability.


We have parameterized strings for compound the command. The problem is related to the UPDATE Command. This was just an example showing the problem!



I`ve done a new test and the problem was identified.

There was 2 separate quotes ’ ’ instead just one "

Thank you!.