Question regarding Olympia FindSession

Hi guys,

Delphi Tokyo, latest RO/DA. Olympia Server.

I’m trying to retrieve a session from the Session Manager.

I assumed the right call will be the one called
FindSession( const aSessionID: TGUID; aUpdateTime: Boolean): TROSession;

But I dont understand its behaviour. I was expecting to put a GUID and have it returned the Session values if it is a valid and non expired session. But it seems that if for some reason the session is expired (or some other situations) it will,instead of returning a null, throw an exception.

Is that the expected behaviour?

Checking the code there are multiple conditions, like fUseCheckSessionInFindSession what is that good for? is it something I can use?

Are there other circumstances Findsession will throw an exception?

Thank you.

try to use IsSessionPresent method instead of FindSession.