Remobjects super TCP channel does not work well with streamsec library

In the delphi RO SDK v9.2.103 there is an issue when using TROSynapseSuperTCPChannel in combination with SSL_StreamSec2.pas

The SSL_StreamSec2 unit reports to the Synapse code that an SSLImplementation is available
SSLImplementation := TSSLStreamSec2;
RO however appears to use this to always try an SSL connection regardless of the SSL settings

From TROSynapseClientSuperConnection.Client_Connect in uROSynapseSuperTCPChannel
if not (Connection.SSL is TSSLNone) then

Connection.SSL is initialized with the SSLImplementation global variable from Synapse’s blcksock.pas
Should RO not base itself on the Encryption settings of the RO channel to determine if SLL is required?

Frederic - Officinall N.V.

Encryption is a legacy property and was used for supporting of deprecated RODEC library.

do you want to connect to non-SSL sites even if SSL_StreamSec2 is in uses?

We need streamsec2 in our project for other purposes than RemObjects.
However RemObjects looks at the SSLImplementation global variable in it’s Client_Connect.
Should it do that?
FYI: I tried to temporarily set SSLImplementation to TSSLNone then create my RO channel and then revert SSLImplementation but the Synapse THTTPSend code (which requires the SSL) does not appear to work in that case (maybe because an instance of TSSLNone is already created)

Thanks, logged as bugs://78474

bugs://78474 got closed with status fixed.

this fix will be present in next beta

Thanks for the quick support


is this already available in a general release?

you can download beta at
it will be in next RTM too.