Remote methods


I use RemoteSDK.

In remote methods is possible use parameters of type “var” ?

yes, it is possible.

Ok, but i try and recive error “Could not convert variant of type (Array Variant) into type (OleStr)” on send OwnerData of TClientDataset;

it will be doing it wrong?

You have a example of use IN OUT vars in methods of services ?

pls review ROD/MegaDemo example.
it has in( or const), var and out parameter types

    procedure EchoBinary(const BinIN: binary; out BinOUT: Binary);
    procedure SomeTypes(var aString: Ansistring; var aWidestring: Unicodestring; var anInteger: Integer; var
      aCurrency: Currency; var aDatetime: DateTime);

ok, with type OleVariant not work, i recive the error “An exception was raised on the server: VAR and OUT arguments must match parameter type exactly.”

OleVariant type isn’t supported.
I can recommend to use these methods from uROBinaryHelpers.pas:

function BinaryFromVariant(const iVariant:OleVariant):Binary;
function VariantFromBinary(const iBinary:TStream):OleVariant;

and pass Binary

Ok, thank you for informations