Resource problem with obfuscation enabled

When I enable obfuscation and I have a button with a local resource (image on the button), I get:

To reproduce:

  1. Create new Winform project
  2. Add a button to the form, and add a Local resource to the image property
  3. Add the line [assembly: Obfuscate(PublicTypes := true)] to assemblyinfo.pas
  4. Start the project

Addition info: It also happens without PublicTypes:=true

Thanks, logged as bugs://82693

Just making sure this one is not forgotten …

IIrc the conclusion was that this is not fixable, you’ll have to exclude the types from obfuscation, if their names need top match up with resources. @ck?

Yes. Perhaps we should automatically exclude this namespace.

Alternatively, could the compiler detect resource names matching obfuscated type names, and mangle the resource names too?

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bugs://82693 got closed with status fixed.


Can I get a build with this fix in it?
I have to release a version with this problem today.

your info@ account should have it.

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Fix is confirmed.