RODLFILE not found


Using Delphi 10.2.2

Easy to reproduce. Start a new Delphi project “Combo Service/Standalone (RODL based)”
Don’t change a single thing.
Build and run the (server)project.
Use the browser to go to http://localhost:8099
Works fine.

Stop execution of the server.
Choose “Convert to Code-First Server” from the Tools menu.
Start the serverproject.
Use the browser to go to http://localhost:8099
Results in a EResNotFound exception “Resource RODLFILE not found”

Adding a Remoting Code-First Service Module resolves the problem.



Before you add that, I take it there’s no service in the project?

Hi Marc,

Indeed… after the “Convert to Code-First” I didn’t add the [ROService] attribute to the ‘existing’ service.
So, there is no service in the project.

I know it’s not very common to do what I did, but I’m preparing a session for this friday on RO SDK Code First & HttpAPI. That’s how I ran into this…



Thanks, logged as bugs://79810

bugs://79810 got closed with status fixed.

as a workaround, pls update uROCodeFirstConversionWizard.pas as

procedure TROCodeFirstConversionWizard.ConvertExistingImplFile(
  aLibrary: TRODLLibrary; aService: TRODLService; var aUnit: string);
  lCFCompatible := Pos('{$IFDEF RO_RTTI_Support}uRORTTIAttributes,{$ENDIF}',aUnit)>0; //changed

and recompile RemObjects_Server_IDE package

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