Room Persistence Library

I want to use Room Persistence Library on my jave app. I cant find to how to import that interface.

Best regards

Im also interested in evaluate greenDAO.

I don’t know what either of those are.

Maybe my question must be this: if i want to use any java library with oxygene wich are the needed steps?

Best regards.

You’d either have a maven reference (in which you use a gradle file ) alternatively if it’s just 1 or more jar files, add a reference to the jar files and they become available.

Thanks Carlo, i will try.

Hi Carlo,
I add references to gradle and was downloaded ok


Another problem is Fire complains about the labels it use (is an ORM). I missing something?

  @Entity <--- that fails
  Locaciones = public class
    @Id <--- that fails
    var id: Long;
    @NotNull <--- that fails
    var Descripcion: String;
    var Latitud: Long;
    var Longitud: Long;
    var Latitud_Radians: Long;
    var Longitud_Radians: Long;
    @NotNull <--- that fails
    var LastChange:;
    @NotNull <--- that fails
    var idEmpresa: String;
    var Tag: Long;

Please help me to detemrine if can use this library or dont on Fire.

best regards.

@ is the java syntax for attributes/annotations. Use [Entity] and [NotNull]

Thanks i already find how to add references. Will try it, thanks!

Room is a SQLite object mapping library, and part of the new Android Architecture Components. It is a new collection of libraries. There is a ViewModel class, and also a LiveData class.

Android Architecture Components

I also try to find out how to import ViewModel into Oxygene project.

In build.gradle file I have declared, but no succes: android.arch namespace can not be found.

implementation "android.arch.lifecycle:runtime:1.0.0"
implementation "android.arch.lifecycle:extensions:1.0.0-alpha9-1"
annotationProcessor "android.arch.lifecycle:compiler:1.0.0-alpha9-1"

There is a Android lifecycle-aware components codelab with example source code. Step 2 is about how to add ViewModel to project. Is it possible to use these new Android Architecture Components in Oxygene?