Schema Modeler error

I got the error if SP link to another DB that is not include in DA Schema.


SP statement like as following. “Garment” DB & “yorkapp” DB are the same SQL server. Why need to sperate two DB? Reason is “Garment” DB is belong to vendor. I must not change the DB functions anymore such as Views and SP. So I need to using the other DB to keep my business logic in Views or SP.

SELECT ColorCode, Color = ltrim(upper(Color)), ChnColor, UDField2|
FROM Garment.dbo.Ma_Color (nolock)|
WHERE (ISNULL(UDField1, N’N’) <> ‘Y’)|


can you confirm that this SQL can be opened with pure SDAC (i.e. w/o DA) w/o any issues, pls?

It works in SDAC because I’m migrate the source to DA.


I don’t see any issue with using another DB inside Schema Modeller:


Can you create a simple testcase that reproduces this issue, pls?

Sorry that I checked it is my fault. I haven’t attach the DB into SQL server. So it has the error. :sweat_smile:

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