Silver: Discriminated Union with Generics: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

IDE: Fire
Version:, (was originally discovered in 8.4 beta 2 month ago)
Target: Java

The following code compilation will fail with general Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (not sure how is the support for discriminated unions for now)

	import remobjects.elements.eunit
	import XCTest

enum Callback<T> {
	case error(Error)
	case success(T)

public class TestEnums: Test {

	public func enumTests(){
		let callback = Callback<String>.success("seems to be working")
		switch callback {
		case .error(let error): print("Callback with error: \(error)")
		case .success(let result): print("Succesful callback: \(result)")

Thanks, logged as bugs://76979

bugs://76979 got closed with status fixed.

Logged as bugs://i64757.

bugs://i64757 was closed as fixed.