Strange DA insert behavior

Windows 10
Elements - latest 9.1 beta
Language - Oxygene

I have an existing DA server that works with several production applications without any problems. DA is working perfecdtly for me. On Friday, I added a new table to my database, and updated my server’s schema, rebuilt it, etc.

I’m doing some simple data processing and inserting records into this table with the resulting calculations.

There is one problem - the primary field in the table has a value 10% the amount I calculated and used in the InsertRow call. I’ve debugged from the client side and verified the values right before I call InsertRow.

What I now need to do is figure out how to log the actual server-side SQL statements so that I can see exactly what DA is inserting into the table. Can someone please outline how I should go about intercepting and logging the actual INSERT INTO SQL call with the data values?




You need to add a handler to the BeforeExecuteCommand event of the DataService. Its EventArgs object provides avvess to the ADO.NET command that is used to actually update data. So you can investigate command SQL, parameter values etc.

Hope that helps

Thanks Anton! That helped answer my question and led me to eventually finding my bug. IT was my fault, not RO’s fault.
