Subclassed JsonMessage Initialization

We have the following Delphi code and need an equivalent way to override the C# JsonSerializer.

TOrionJSONMessage = class(TROJSONMessage)
  function CreateSerializer: TROSerializer; override; 
  constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent); override; 

We have tried to subclass the JsonMessage class but it isn’t possible to plug in a custom serializer due to the following method being private in the base class:

private void IntInitializeMessage()
	this.SerializerInstance = new JsonSerializer(this);

	this.fRootObject = new JsonObject();
	this.fRootObject.Add(new JsonString("version"), new JsonString("1.1"));

	this.CurrentObject = this.RootObject;

Implement your own message based on the RemObjects.SDK.Message class.

The RemObjects.SDK.JsonMessage class has beed designed to work with a certain JSON infrastructure and is not intended to use other JSON serializers.