Suggestion for RO SDK. Code generation. Constants

Hi guys,

This is just a small and probably not to difficult to implement suggestion for the Service Builder.

After working on lots of projects using RO/DA on .Net and Delphi mixed environments there are numerous times where we find the need to have common constants among clients and servers.

We usually do this by implementing additional packages that we manually maintained between the different deployments that will include this common constants across environments but one of the powerful features of the service builder is the fact that we can forget about the need to implement the proxy clients and shared libraries used among the the different platforms because the code generator will do it for us, making it very easy to simple generate a new proxy and get going.

One good suggestion will be to implement Constant values on the RODL, so if we want to have a fixed value shared among multiple clients/servers it can be done without having to code it separately on each client.

E.g. an Application Id that all clients must use to connect to the same olympia server. Name = GlobalAppId, type=string, value={SOME-GUID-GOES-HERE} to say something.

The code generator will probably will not have much of an issue to put this on the same library as it does with everything.

Thank you.

as a workaround, you can create a new type in RODL and put your constants into attributes.
later you can get access to it in runtime.