Swift ABI


Haha, don’t think much exciting happened during WWDC. I was wondering if any progress was made with the Swift ABI support?

Lots of progress, yes, but it’s a very long and steep hill to climb.

The current build ships some Swift imports for Island/Darwin, in the Xcode 13 beta SDKs (see the other thread about this), but it’s still far from actually usable.

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I was wondering how it was going ?


I cannot promise any ETA yet, but we’re going full steam ahead on this right now (as you can see by there weekly change logs mentioning Swift ABI every week ;), with parts of the compiler team focused on this full time.

That said, it’s still the hot mess it always was, so you never know what the next roadblock is ‚— hence the no-timeline-promise. But we’ll get there. By internal goal is to have this ready by WWDC in time for the next new round of (Swift-based) Apis to be usable. Might happen earlier, might not. :crossed_fingers:t3:

I should add that in the mean time we’ve also making a lot of progress on Island/Darwin in general. One of the goals we’ve been working towards was getting one of our internal Toffee/Silver-based tools (Bugs 8, my GUI front-end to our GitLabs bug database) to compile for and work on Island w/o issues, and that was achieved a soft two weeks ago’ish :raised_hands:t3:. So Swift aside, I encourage Toffee users to give Island/Darwin a shot and see how your projects fare there.