TimeSince platform differences

it’s both, see https://docs.elementscompiler.com/Platforms/Cocoa/LegacyCocoaMode/

curious though, NSTimeZone.localTimeZone is fine, and

    class property LocalTimezone: NSTimeZone := NSTimeZone.localTimeZone;

      {$ELSEIF TOFFEE}Int64((mapped.timeIntervalSince1970 + DateTimeHelpers.LocalTimezone.secondsFromGMTForDate(mapped)) * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond) + TicksTill1970

seem straight-forward enough…

Thanks, logged as bugs://84611

Freaky, I cant repro the issue with a locally build copy of RTL2 and I now cant repro it with the shipping version anymore either…

With this one , I was looking at the change in the debugger. Im not sure it looks correct ? The year for now2 is -9837

Also, would it be possible to document what ticks is meant to represent ?

bugs://84611 got closed with status fixed.

This still doesnt work.

If I ssh into the pi and do a date I get

Sat 11 Jul 00:44:38 UTC 2020

The code is doing this

  var ts: rtl.__struct_timespec;
  rtl.timespec_get(@ts, rtl.TIME_UTC);

  var now := new DateTime((ts.tv_sec * RemObjects.Elements.System.DateTime.TicksPerSecond) + (ts.tv_nsec / 100000));

It looks like the value in ts.tv_sec is so big that it overflows int64 when it does the multiplication.

bugs://84611 got reopened.

I’ll check in the raspberry pi, on linux x64 is working fine.


Is this one still being looked into ?

If it hasn’t been closed, it’s still own the lost to be looked at, yes.

bugs://84611 got closed with status fixed.

bugs://84598 got closed with status fixed.

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