Trying to use generics

Again a testproject in Visual Studio with essentially 2 functions:

func testarray(){

    let array = [2,2,1,1,3] 
    var sum = 0  
    for i in array{
        sum += i

   /* let st:Iterable
    st = array*/
    let count:Int = countthrough(c: array)//,dummy: Int(0))

    assert(sum == 9,"array works")
    assert(count == array.count && count == 5)

func countthrough<T:Iterable>(c:T)->Int{
    var ret = 0
    for elt in c{
        ret += 1
    return ret

On compile, i get the error
(E210) Generic parameter doesn’t fulfill constraint “Iterable<swift.Array<Integer!>>” for "T"
at the call to countthrough.

So, i thought: ‘Maybe the array doesn’t conform to Iterable’,
so i tried this version of testarray:

func testarray(){

    let array = [2,2,1,1,3] 
    var sum = 0  
    for i in array{
        sum += i

    let st:Iterable
    st = array
    let count:Int = countthrough(c: st)//,dummy: Int(0))
  //asserts left out

Then on compile, I get again the error:
(E210) Generic parameter doesn’t fulfill constraint “Iterable<Iterable>” for “T”.

Then I gave some hints to the compiler:

func testarray(){

    let array = [2,2,1,1,3] 
    var sum = 0  
    for i in array{
        sum += i

    let st:Iterable<Int>
    st = array

    let count:Int = countthrough(c: st)//,dummy: Int(0))

    assert(sum == 9,"array works")
    assert(count == array.count && count == 5)

func countthrough<T:Iterable<Int>>(c:T)->Int{
    var ret = 0
    for elt in c{
        ret += 1
    return ret

which worked, but NOT if you do the call to countthrough like this:

let count = countthrough(c:array)

(which results in E210 again)

but kind of defeats the purpose of having generics,so i trial and errored until I had this version:

 func testarray(){

    let array = [2,2,1,1,3] 
    var sum = 0  
    for i in array{
        sum += i

    let st:Iterable<Int>
    st = array

    let count:Int = countthrough(c: st,dummy: Int(0))

    assert(sum == 9,"array works")
    assert(count == array.count && count == 5)

func countthrough<I,T:Iterable<I>>(c:T,dummy:I)->Int{
    var ret = 0
    for elt in c{
        ret += 1
    return ret

Note, that removing basically any of the redundant type hints,
causes the compiler to emit a E210 or some internal error.

Version Info:

Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Shell (Integrated)
Version 14.0.23107.0 D14REL
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.6.01590

Installed Version: IDE Standard

RemObjects Elements
RemObjects Elements (Oxygene, C# and Silver) for .NET, Cocoa and Java.
Copyright 2003-2016 RemObjects Software, LLC. All rights reserved.

RemObjects Elements leverages the LLVM compiler backend:
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RemObjects Everwood
RemObjects Everwood
Copyright RemObjects Software, LLC 2002-2016. All Rights Reserved.

Thanks, logged as bugs://77125

bugs://77125 got closed with status fixed.

the last one works now,

bugs://i64889 was closed as fixed.

Logged as bugs://i64889.