Using WinMain(hInstance: HINSTANCE) in Oxygene?


Can anybody explain to me pls, how can I use instead of the usual “main: int32” entry-point, the WinMain(hinstance: HINSTANCE etc…) method entry-point, because its important for the manual window-handling!



I ask because, the debugger prints: “error: ‘winMain’ count find the method in the project” and it 100% exact to the MSDN-docu where it shows how it defined

why do you need winMain? If it’s hinstance, you can use GetModuleHandle(nil) to get the current HInstance.

Honestly I did that, I just somehow thought it would be “faster” to use the param directly instead of calling the function to get it, but nvm, it works as well, but till thx!

Just btw, is not possible to use the WinMain(…) manually at all?
