VB.Net in Oxidizer

That did the trick :slight_smile:

Properties are a problem.

  • no attributes
  • no parameters
  • no return type

How do I implement them?

Can you elaborate?

  • CGMemberDefinition as an Attributes property
  • CGFieldLikeMemberDefinition has a Type (thats the “result”, basically?)
  • CGPropertyDefinition has a Parameters property

I use CGPropertyDefinition
and there I can not find the Attributes and ReturnType.
You are right about the parameters - I overlooked them.

well, CGPropertyDefinition descends from CGFieldLikeMemberDefinition, which descends from CGMemberDefinition :wink:

public __abstract class CGFieldLikeMemberDefinition: CGMemberDefinition {
	public var `Type`: CGTypeReference?

public __abstract class CGMemberDefinition: CGEntity {
	public var Attributes = List<CGAttribute>()

It works :wink:

Basic structure almost ready; still to do: constants, enums, events, delegates
And of course the method implementation.
Current code compiles without errors or warnings, but is still completely untested.

This is for next week.
I wish you all a nice weekend!

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Bon wikent!

Marc, can I add a reference to the project with Oxidyzer?
I need to add a reference to a Oxygene.VB.dll (that I have to build).
Handles/ExposeEvents and other VB stuff like the My namespace must I implement in this dll; as soon as you paste the VB code in Oxigene, this dll should be referenced.

(hope the above makes sense, I am not on my best at this moment)

Not as part of the scope of “Oxidizer” per se, but once tis is done and we integrate it into the IDE, that could be something I can add, if it still makes sense then…

…but this is stuff that, as per the other thread, will eventually end up in the core libraries, when done, right? Since its. not rewarding;;y VB specific, just new Oxygene functionality, i’m not sure if it makes sense to have the EventHandler stuff in an extra “VB” named/branded library.

Sorry to hear that — nothing too serious, I hope?

@mh: How do I create a delegate type?

For CGEventDefinition and CGConstantTypeReference I have to give the parameter CGTypeReference.
What is this parameter for?
Can you give an example?



CGConstantTypeReference is like “const x : String” in delphi, it’s not used in any of our .NET languages.

You probably want CGFieldDefinition with Constant set to true.
CGEventDefinition just wants the type of an event, ie “event x: EventHandler;” type would be EventHandler.


is this in a stage yet where we could/should integrate it with the IDEs and Oxidizer?

No, this project has gone to the background because of other (paid) projects. This can take a while before I have the time to finish it.

k. no worries.