Version 2291 for Visual Studio?

I see on the release channel that 2291 is gone and replaced by 2293 as preview, while 2289 is still the stable version.
As I work with visual studio, I can not use the preview, but I need the multi-line interpolated string that was fixed in 2291. Can I get an 2291+ elements build that works with Visual Studio 2017?


every Windows installer will integrate with Visual Studio, even the ones that include Water. (that said, please give Water a try! :wink:

I would, but I still need VB.Net to be able to reuse my old code.


I’d love to hear more art your exact use case, and what we can do to make migrating to Water easier. IE, do you still actively work on the VB code a lot, or is it merely a static project or .dll you reference from your Oxygene code? In the latter case, you an of course still work in your Oxygene projects in Water, just referencing the already-compiled .dll created with VB. If you still work on both, maybe we can do something to make that scenario easier as well…

I am still activily using VB, as all my projects are in VB (I just finished my migration from VB6 last year, when the last project was rebuild). So it is a very long process.

What will help: a VB.Net to Oxygene converter :grin:

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