Where do I find CrossBox 2?

I am just trying to learn Elements and get everything set up so there’s no rush.

In the meantime I decided to try Linux and created a console app via the template. This time CrossBox had no issue registering the server (in VS). It builds and seems to start but it doesn’t show “The magic happens here.” in the output window and nothing pops up on the Ubuntu VM. Here’s what I get in the output window.

Remote debugging from host, port 60104
Connected to remote debugger
Loading module
Symbols loaded
Downloading remote file "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6"
Downloading remote file "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0"

Visual Studio is just sitting there.

Am I missing something?

Hmm. what happens in Water of Fire?

It never goes past that? Damn.

I might have to leave these issues for my college to look at when she’s back from vacation, Monday.

That’s fine I’m definitely not in any rush

Appreciate all the help

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bugs://E26720 was closed as fixed.

I’m having a similar debugserver error where VS states the port is not available. However, I’m unable to locate any log files on either my system or the Mac.

1>------ Build started: Project: ConsoleApplication4, Configuration: Debug ------
13:57:32:792	========== Build: 1 succeeded or up-to-date, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
13:57:32:792	========== Build started at 1:51 PM and took 06:14.640 minutes ==========
13:57:33:103	============= Deploy =============
13:57:33:103	Starting deploy to Crossbox Server

I used Water to configure the Crossbox connection instead of Visual Studio. I couldn’t get Visual Studio to register the server but once it was registered with Water then I was able to pick it. Things still aren’t working properly just yet though.

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Do you try to connect to Linux crossbox server from Windows or macOS?

I might have fixes for the CrossBox hanging and doing nothing issue, in vNext.

My goal is to develop in Visual Studio and compile / debug on Mac and Linux using Crossbox.

I can’t seem to get Visual Studio to register a device at all. However, I can register the devices in Water then select them in VS.

After registering the Mac and Linux devices in Water it seems that VS will connect to them. However, I cannot get the Mac Console app deploy to the Mac (it reports a very generic error message stating there was an error launching debugserver). The Linux device at least gets a little further but I am still not seeing the app popup in the Linux VM and the debugger never reaches the breakpoint.

Any progress on this?

^^^ I take it this didn’t help, then? I never heard back.

I didn’t realize that this message was for me (there are others on this thread).

What is vNext?

the next version.