Writing Android NDK Code with Elements

Thanks for the quick reply, Marc. OK, I’ll plan to come back to this next week, then.

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This is curious, timing wise, I just heard from the Boehm (the GC we use on Android) folks that they fixed a bug in this regard:

Which is the 1 thing that uses this. Turns out that the linker we use used to link this just fine, and started failing on this in the last update.

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Oke so there are two problems. Implementation not found:

you need to use JNIExport OR:


(or equivalent, I wasn’t sure which language you used). Just symbolname won’t do it.
That’s part 1.

I’ll reply to the __data stuff in a bit.

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I’ll have to do a quite a few changes for getting Android support working properly with the latest GC (which should fix the data symbol). I’ll reply here when I have more info.

Btw, also check out https://docs.elementscompiler.com/Tutorials/Platforms/AndroidNDKExtension/. Can you show us what your exported method declaration and the import on the managed side look like?

Any chance you can retest this with the build we’ll do today? I’ve updated to latest GC and both x86 and ARM work here. Unfortunately I don’t have arm64 hardware handy to test the arm64 target specifically right now, but it should work.

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bugs://82131 got closed with status fixed.

Looking forward to it, let me know when I can download the new build…

we’ll have a new build later today, i’ll put a copy into your personal downloads folder when it’s ready…

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Marc, I didn’t see the new file in my personal downloads yet. Were you able to find my account?


my apologies; the build had gotten delayed to Saturday due to some technical problems, and by that time I had lost track of that I promised to upload it to a couple Personal Downloads folders. Done now, 2389 should be up for you.


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