Can we do "aliases"?

I was reading this article this morning:

And wondered if Oxygene can do the same thing. When I right clicked on the reference, there was no Aliases in the properties.

Not currently no. You have this problem?

No, the article just got me wondering if you had that feature. I’m not even totally sure why it is an issue. I think the example they were showing had two DIFFERENT namespaces, so you could simply prefix the object class with the namespace to get uniqueness. But maybe I was missing something.

Well (MSVC#)alias can be used in two ways: You can have say two different versions of the same dll referenced, and give then a different prefix, so you can access both dlls through a different prefix. I’ve never implemented this (Elements shows an error).

The second way is to define an alias for a type or namespace, like:

using Abba = System.Collections.Generic;
using Beatles = System.Collections.ArrayList;

Beatles x; << arraylist
Abba.List y; << List<String>

second version is of course supported.