DA JS AngularJS

Hi All,

HI I m trying to use angular JS and display the data in view.

anyone have a example code on how to get data/Table from custom DA Server and update back the view.

I can connect to the server and get data but I cannot update it back to the view.

What should I use (factory or service?) the data callback and update back the view.

I use delphi 2010 and custom DA server.

As I m new to javascript , if can provide example is appreciate.


have you tried to use RemoteDataAdapter.applyUpdates method?
I’ve attached sample (219.0 KB) that demonstrates usage of this method.


I may describe the case not much clear. I try to use angularjs with RO/DA js but I hit problem.

I dont know where should I place the getdata code in the angularjs framework. As the adapter.getData, or my custom function. The result also resolve to a callback. I cant display or apply databinding in angularjs( cannot get data to Display ).

I tried to use prmoise way or put all the angular app , controller declaration in the get data result callback but also not ok,

Any hints or advice or example on how to use RO/DA js on angularjs framework.

May I just new to js miss very basic things. Please point me to right direction.

I attached my failure code for reference.app.zip (2.1 KB)

Index.html << tested put ng app declaration in success data callback function.
app.js << try use service and asyn call.

Thank you.

pls test this simple (58.7 KB) sample.
Note: It requires Relativity server

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Thank you it is what I need. I will continue to try . Many Thx