Delphi RO/DA for iOS and Android

Many Thank’s Marc!

Great news Marc. Seems like we will have RO mobile support on XE8 release! :grinning:

Is me or the beta don’t include servers?

have you downloaded RemObjects Data Abstract for Delphi, Server Edition - ?

@EvgenyK not available in beta site

BTW, how far we are of the beta supporting nextgen compilers?

in progress…


Hi guys, any news on the ios support? I am about to start a couple of new apps and would love to use tdamemdatatables… Would save so much work.

Kind regards,

I think, we will have beta soon with this support

Great! I’ll keep a look out for it. I don’t use all of the RO/DA functionality but happy to test and give feedback on what I do use.

Thanks again!


the new beta has support for NEXTGEN compiler? I not found nothing in the changelog

not yet. some tests were failed so it will be in beta when all tests will be passed.

Hi EvgenyK

Ok! thak you very much. I hope to see a new beta with full support to NEXTGEN compiler very soon :wink:

Damn! Got all excited when I saw the beta notification come through! Hopefully it wont’ be too difficult to get all the tests passed :wink:

Keep up the great work!

Sorry, it’s not in this beta drop yet, no. This beta mainly focused on XE8, and getting s bunch of other more general fixes out to everyone. It also has new CodeGen4 based codegen for RO and DA for Elements, including Swift/Silver support.

Hello @mh , does the RO/DA beta supports the NEXTGEN Delphi compilers?

Yes, it does.

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Nice work!!
You’ve done a great and fast work to merge the code we sent to you with your main dev trunk.
We’ll provide our feedback asap.

Best regards

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I’ve downloaded hoping that I’d be able to use an RO SDK client on Android. It works properly on the Win32 platform but the Android project fails to compile. It tells me that it cannot find uROBaseConnection, etc.

Am I missing a step?

The installation of the beta doesn’t update the Delphi paths for iOS and Android.
To add the correct paths proceed as following:
1.- Open the Options dialog at Tools->Options.
2.- On the left tree select Delphi options->Library.
3.- On the Selected platform field you have to select Android.
4.- On the Library path add:

PathToRemObjects\RemObjects\RemObjects SDK for Delphi\Source
PathToRemObjects\RemObjects\RemObjects SDK for Delphi\Source\ZLib
PathToRemObjects\RemObjects\RemObjects SDK for Delphi\Source\CodeGen
PathToRemObjects\RemObjects\Data Abstract for Delphi\Source

Where you have to substitute PathToRemObjects with the path where the RemObjects folder is located.

Repeat the previous steps for iOS Device - 32/64 bit to build apps for iOS device and iOS Simulator for the iOS simulator.

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That worked beautifully!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!