Delphi XE7, Remobjects, win 7 64

Simple question.
How do i change the 100 records limit fetched with a IDADATASET used server side;

You can use something like

  i := 0;
  // ldataset is IDADataset or IDAServerDataset
  while not ldataset.EOF do begin
     if i = 100 then break;
     // your code 

Thank you for the reply.
I can’t use this solution in my code, i need to have all records i can get in order to finish the job i need to accomplish.
I have changed the firedac driver, in order to have fetch all insteed of 100. Not the best solution, but is the only thing to do I realy think, should be a proprety like maxrecords in Idadatasets.

can you specify what exactly you have changed?