DetectPKDuplicates in filtered TDAMemDataTable

I have discovered a problem with DetectPKDuplicates feature of data tables in Data Abstract. If the DataTable is filtered, the DetectPKDuplicates does not check duplicates against filtered out records.
I have prepared a small sample project to demostrate the issue. If you run the project a simple datatable is prepared. The button simulates a conflicting situation, but since the DAMemDataTable2 is filtered the DetectPKDuplicates fails to prevent PK duplicate from being created. (80.3 KB)

Thanks, logged as bugs://71886

bugs://71886 got closed with status fixed.

update uDAMemDataTable.pas as

function TDAMemDataTable.isPKDuplicateDetected: Boolean;
      m.CloneSource := fMemDataset;
      m.Filtered := False;  //added