Is is possible to bring await to Oxygene for Java?

Hi, one thing I really like is the async/await feature on the .net platform. On the Java, the await keyword is not support.

Is is possible to bring the await feature to the java platfom?

Thanks and regards,



Currently we have a research issue logged for that. But I cannot provide you with the estimate time when it is done.

Best regards.

It’s not a technical limitation, the tricky part is that Java lacks the consitent classes to make it practical. On .NET you have “Task” that can be anything, a thing that runs in a thread, a promise, anything, and there’s a huge amount of apis that return tasks. On Java, even if we introduced our own “Task” analogy, there’s no consistent set of interfaces/apis that we can fit in it, so until I find a good way to solve the api part of this there’s little point in introducing await.

Thank you for the detailed explain.