Oxygene Dependencies are not found by VS 2012 Ultimate

why do I get Could not get dependencies for project reference (see below) ?

1>------ Build started: Project: Toolbox, Configuration: Debug AnyCPU ------
1>	Toolbox -> E:\Users\C770817\SW-PROJEKTE\Spezpla\Toolbox_1\bin\Debug\Toolbox.dll
2>------ Build started: Project: UnsafeCode, Configuration: Debug AnyCPU ------
2>	UnsafeCode -> E:\Users\C770817\SW-PROJEKTE\Spezpla\UnsafeCode\bin\Debug\UnsafeCode.dll
3>------ Build started: Project: Tariflib, Configuration: Debug AnyCPU ------
3>	Tariflib -> E:\Users\C770817\SW-PROJEKTE\Spezpla\Tariflib_1\bin\Debug\Tariflib.dll
4>------ Build started: Project: LEGACY, Configuration: Debug AnyCPU ------
4>	LEGACY -> E:\Users\C770817\SW-PROJEKTE\Spezpla\LEGACY\bin\Debug\LEGACY.dll
5>------ Build started: Project: E:\...\SpezplaWebService\, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
5>Could not get dependencies for project reference 'Toolbox'Could not get dependencies for project reference 'LEGACY'Could not get dependencies for project reference 'Tariflib'Could not get dependencies for project reference 'UnsafeCode'Validating Web Site
5>Validation Complete
5>Accessibility Checking Web Site
5>Accessibility check complete. No issues have been found.
========== Build: 5 succeeded, 0 failed, 2 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

FWIW, I have always gotten these in VS 2010. I knew those dependencies were in the solution and there were no run-time problems, so I’ve just ignored the messages.

But, I too wonder why the messages come out and if something can be done to suppress these non-“errors”.

Hello Josef,

Unfortunatelly we cannot reproduce the problem here. Could you please send us a simple project that shows the problem?

Thanks in advance.

the question is why does it only show up for dlls made with oxygene?
the second question is why does it only show up with larger projects but a small
one as passed to carlo with 2 oxygen build dlls does not show the problem. Also this project which does not show up the problem is located on my drive C: at the desktop, while all other projects showing up the problem is located on drive E: definitly something to wonder.

So .-1 (mtiede) what was in the solution file you discovered, causing the problem ?


Hello Jose,

Sorry for the delay. Could you please provide me with next info:

  1. What is the VS version for projects that show dependencies problem? Also what is the ToolsVersion property for it? (you can look the value in the xaml file if you open the .oxygene file via any text editor).
  2. What is the VS version / ToolsVersion for the main project?
  3. Does the same error happen if you open the project in VS2013?

Also I tried to google and seems the problem is not specific to the Oxygene language but it also happen for other Visual Studio languages. You can try to apply some sugestions and see if any helps.

Best regards.

Hi Viktoriad

VS Version is Ultimate 2012 (Version 11.0.60610.01 Update 3)

found at LEGACY.oxygene ToolsVersion=“4.0”

dont know wher to look for your 2. above

and I can’t answer 3. above because we do not have access to Visual Studio 2013 (note: our company VS evaluators come up with an update to VS when the evaluated verison is no longer supported by MS; happened to me recently)

But really to mention is that my web site project does not show any dependecy problems for DLL’s built from C#.NET or VB.NET; and that brings me to the point.

“Why is a build of a web site project triggering a rebuild of oxygene DLL’s while other DLL’s made from VB or C# are not rebuilt?”

I can build over and over without changing a dot, and my web site project builds (or attempts to build) and reports eronously only the oxygene DLL dependencies, but does not attempt or rebuild or report for any C# dll’s. Why is that the case.

Hello Jose,

Please have a look at the next link: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/427eeadd-b774-4f60-a740-9d932290ba54/could-not-get-dependencies-for-project-reference-?forum=csharpide
There are several reasons for the dependencies build and some solutions. Please try the suggestions from it. If it doesn’t help please send us your project that shows the problem so we can reproduce and fix the error. Unfortunatelly we cannot reproduce the error here locally.

I also logged an issue:
68708: Output shows build line for referenced dlls even if they are not actually changed/builded

Best regards.

Hello Viktoriad

thanks for the reply. If you read the second last answer from the your link given in your response, you can see that upgrading to VS2010 was involved in this problem referencing a ToolsVersion4.0 instead of 3.5. While we can certainly change that, (even we have nor args why to do so) it still does not provide an answer why this cannot reference message happens in our VS 2012 Ultimate only with DLL’s made by the Oxygene compiler linker, but not with DLL’s made by C#.NET or VB.NET compilers/linker from MS.

What is the difference of a DLL binary made by C# in contrast to a DLL made by Oxygene? Also what is the difference in accessing a DLL when built for a WebSite project in contrast to any other project types.

The MS articel also references over and over again a missing DLL in the GAC. This is not the case in our project. Also we don’t use more DLL’s from MS then the ordinary DLL’s belonging to System; System.Linq; and perhaps some collections.

AND Again. If our WebSite project uses only DLL’s myde with C#, this message does not show up. The “cannot reference” message shows up as sonn as we use a DLL made by Oxygen.

AND it happens only if we use this Oxygen built DLL in a build for a WCF WebSite project.

As long as we do not use any Oxygene made DLL’s this message does not show up even if we build a WebSite project.

BUT as soon as we use Oxygen made DLL’s it in a WebSite project, the message shows up.

This has a lot to do how

  1. DLL’s are built,
    a) code,
    b) entry routiens,
    c) registration routines,
    d) items of the DLL beeing registered
  2. DLL’s built with Oxygene are used, interrogated, by the next compiler linker pass missing some sort of registration items in DLL headers and/or the like.

I’m still getting this problem when making a Silverlight Asp.Net Web Site Application under an 8.1 Oxygene system with VS 2013 Professional.

Here is a skeletal solution that produces the warning message. Again, despite any such warnings during the build, a full application would work just fine.

SilverlightApplication69.zip (53.4 KB)

Here is the compiler output:

------ Build started: Project: SilverlightApplication69, Configuration: Debug AnyCPU ------
	SilverlightApplication69 -> C:\Users\Mark\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\crap\SilverlightApplication69\SilverlightApplication69\Bin\Debug\SilverlightApplication69.dll
	Begin application manifest generation
	No changes detected. Application manifest file is up to date
	Begin Xap packaging
	No changes detected. Xap package is up to date
	Creating test page
	Test page created successfully
------ Build started: Project: ServiceLibrary, Configuration: Debug ------
	ServiceLibrary -> C:\Users\Mark\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\crap\SilverlightApplication69\ServiceLibrary\bin\Debug\ServiceLibrary.dll
------ Build started: Project: SilverlightApplication69.Web, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
Could not get dependencies for project reference 'ServiceLibrary'Validating Web Site

Validation Complete
========== Build: 3 succeeded or up-to-date, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========