Problem with XE7 VCL visual plugin


I’ve created some VCL visual plugins using Delphi XE7. The visual plugin(THYVisualPlugin) is displayed as a normal form(not embedded). But, the user cannot manually resize the form. There are other forms in the DLL that are not descendants of THYVisualPlugin, but TForm, and those forms can be manually resized. I compared the properties between those forms and I don’t see any difference. Is there something else that I can check?

Any hints are welcomed.

have you shown a plugin with ShowWindowed method?

Yes I did.
Here’s the code:

HYModuleManager1.CreateInstance(pPluginName, Temp);
(Temp as IHYVisualPlugin).ShowWindowed;

The code is within a method that passes the pPluginName as a parameter. I tried this and even created an interface method where I would call the form’s Show method, but with the same behavior.

One thing that I’m doing at the moment is converting an application from Delphi 7 to Delphi XE7, which is using another plugin architecture(along with Hydra), which we are converting to 100% Hydra. The forms are simply TForm under Delphi 7, but now I’m manually changing TForm to THYVisualPlugin, for the forms that will serve as the plugin. I’ve looked at the code that is generated by the Hydra wizard, and replicated that code in those forms.

I’ll be trying a new plugin from scratch, just to see the result.

But, if you have any other suggestions that I can try, let me know.

After restarting my computer this morning and recompiling the host executable, everything works as it is expected.

I don’t know what could’ve caused the problem initially, other than maybe something was stuck somewhere(memory and/or cache) on my computer that was interfering.

Anyway, thanks for answering.