RO&DA components installed in linux with Lazarus IDE

I’m building a Linux-based development environment, I use Ubuntu, IDE is Lazarus.

We know RemObjects SDK and DA support Lazarus, yesterday I set up and working properly on Windows operating systems. I want to know how to install RemObjects SDK and DA to the Ubuntu operating system.

copy “RemObjects Software” folder from Windows to Ubuntu.
open and install in Lazarus .lpk from these folders:

  • Everwood
    RemObjects Software\Everwood\Source\Delphi

  • RemObjects SDK
    RemObjects Software\RemObjects SDK for Delphi\Source
    RemObjects Software\RemObjects SDK for Delphi\Source\IDE
    RemObjects Software\RemObjects SDK for Delphi\Source\Synapse

  • Data Abstract
    RemObjects Software\Data Abstract for Delphi\Source
    RemObjects Software\Data Abstract for Delphi\Source\IDE
    RemObjects Software\Data Abstract for Delphi\Source\Server
    RemObjects Software\Data Abstract for Delphi\Source\Drivers


  • You need to have non-trial version of DataAbstract.
  • Some packages require 3rd party libraries (Indy, DA drivers, etc )
  • Server packages are present only in DA Server edition.

Thank you very much,:slight_smile:

Work for you?

Yes, I have successfully installed the Lazarus IDE. Thank you