Unit uROIndyHTTPServer was compiled with a different version of IdGlobal.gsIdVersion

I’m trying to test my project whith Delphi XE7 trial (update 1) and RemObjects SDK for Delphi - - Trial
In compilation time i get error “[dcc32 Fatal Error] fServerDataModule.pas(8): F2051 Unit uROIndyHTTPServer was compiled with a different version of IdGlobal.gsIdVersion”.
What I can do?
Thank you

the latest trial was compiled with Delphi XE7 RTM.
we are going to release the new ROD version at the end of week and their trials will be created with XE7 UP1.

as a temporary workaround, you can use Synapse-based channels for client and server part.

I still have the same problem with trial version I downloaded version and have also XE7 update 1.
My Indy idVersion.inc reports version

XE7 UP1 has such IdVers.inc:

  gsIdVersionMajor = 10;
  {$NODEFINE gsIdVersionMajor}
  gsIdVersionMinor = 6;
  {$NODEFINE gsIdVersionMinor}
  gsIdVersionRelease = 1;
  {$NODEFINE gsIdVersionRelease}
  gsIdVersionBuild = 5182;
  {$NODEFINE gsIdVersionBuild}

  (*$HPPEMIT '#define gsIdVersionMajor 10'*)
  (*$HPPEMIT '#define gsIdVersionMinor 6'*)
  (*$HPPEMIT '#define gsIdVersionRelease 1'*)
  (*$HPPEMIT '#define gsIdVersionBuild 5182'*)
  (*$HPPEMIT ''*)

  gsIdVersion = ''; {do not localize}
  gsIdProductName = 'Indy';  {do not localize}