Upgrade to Oxygene .NET

Just upgraded to latest Oxygene .NET and all my projects compile but all error when ran with error on machine.confg:
"Parser Error Message: The CodeDom provider type “RemObjects.Elements.CodeDom.OxygeneCodeProvider, RemObjects.Oxygene.Tools, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3df3cad1b7aa5098” could not be located. "

ASP.NET? Since 8.2 the Oxygene compiler got upgraded to 4.0. Your asp.net project will have to too, that or use an older version.

Thank you.

However, with latest version installed (as of Dec 2nd) and when I create new website or project the .NET build options still exist from ASP.NET 2.0 and up?

Are you sure about this?

I’ve emailed support directly on it.

That sounds like an oversight.

Sounds like? Can you verify 100%?

I have many projects that are ASP.NET 3.5 – just want to know for sure before I begin all the time and effort.


the template is an oversight. The Elements compiler in 8.2 IS 4.0.

Logged as bugs://73796.

OK – thanks.


So I just upgraded to today and the .NET 2.0 – 3.5 Templates are still showing?

Yes. The bug isn’t closed yet (there will be a reply from RemObjects Bot here). We’re working on it, also note that the new build released only contained a fix for xcode 7.2 support.


Also with the new update, Under New-Website, there is no Oxygene template. Is this by design or can I run something to add the Oxygene Template when creating a new Website?

The Oxygene template is available under new project but I can seem to select the target, ex: IIS etc. only file.

bugs://73796 got closed with status fixed.