[69506 Open] DLL Server + EventRepository broken in Delphi XE5?

I’ve a legacy Delphi XE2 Application which is using ROSDK DLL Servers and DLL Server Events. (Here is an old Topic of 2012)
I must white an extension for that project for a customer.

Unfortunately is something broken with the EventRepository registration in all old “DLL Server” DLLs.
I’ve downgraded to the old RO SDK V7 which I’ve use until 2013 to maintain that project. No success.
The remaining difference is Delphi XE5. I’ve uninstalled all older Delphi versions meanwhile and can’t check whether the issue persists in XE2 or not .

I’ve attached a small Testcase and a madExept report.
It looks like, the DLL Server is crashing while registering the EventRepository with the service instance.

Can you doublecheck this please and hopefully find a workaround?

DLLServerEvents.XE5.rar (139.5 KB) bugreport.txt (2.2 KB)

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Thanks, logged as bugs://69506: EventRepository should check for SessionManager property


nowadays EventRepository requires assigned SesionManager.
I’ve updated your project and now it works as it should.

DLLServerEvents.zip (49.6 KB)

Thank you. It’s working great. In my customers project too.