A year with the new forum

So it’s been about a year now with the new forum, any comments, complaints ?

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I think it’s pretty good, certainly an improvement on connect. I still miss NNTP when I’m working away from the internet, but I’m sold on it. The search is pretty good too which is important.

I think this forum is great. It is easy to use. Although it would be nice to be able to put tags, could do better searches and queries with tags. :wink:

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Done. Now all I need is suggestions for tag names: this tagging plugin doesn’t let normal users create new tags, but it does let people tag.

Each command of the languages can be a tag (case, if, let, var, await, … ),
also the following words: bug, visual studio, oxygene, c#, android, net, iOS, silver, objective-c, delphi, feature, cooper, echoes, …

Yes, it’s a nice forum. Much better then the old RO Connect.

A bit better it could still be, if the where optional choosable sub-categories for each category.
(Elements > Oxygene, RO C#, Silver, OSX, iOS, WInForms, ASPX, Android, Java …)
(Oxygene > OSX, iOS, WInForms, ASPX, Android, Java …)
(RO SDK > OSX, iOS, Windows, Delphi, .Net, Java …) and so on.

If that sub-categories were visible in the Topic lists, I could (for example) directly open the “elements - iOS” topics and ignore anything with a Java sub-category. Currently I open them all and skip the Java related topics without reading them.

I’m hoping the tagging plugin can help with this. Atm it doesn’t show in the main overview but I think that’s probably a good feature to have.

I would like to remove some categories. I have several muted but that doesn’t seem to go far enough.

Otherwise I like it.