Actionlist shortcut doesn't work

We have a actionlist in a frame and the frame is used in de visual plugin.
De actionlist is connected to a toolbar. The actions have a shortcut like ctrl+E
When the plugin is shown the shortcut doesn’t seem to have any effect.
The action is to hide or show a panel.
Can you tell me what I need to do to get it working?

can you create a simple testcase that reproduces this issue, pls?

I made a small sample project . The plugin has a actionlist with shortcuts and the shortcuts cntl-R ctrl-M and cntr-L do not work (52.9 KB)

I’ve attached updated testcase: (12.1 KB)

you need to set in plugin

NewVisualPlugin.PluginActions := ActionList1;

later you can reassign plugin actions to host:

    HYModuleManager1.CreateVisualPlugin('NewVisualPlugin', FPlugin, Panel1); 
    //block is added
    if assigned(FPlugin.PluginActions) then
      for I := FPlugin.PluginActions.ActionCount-1 downto 0 do
        FPlugin.PluginActions.Actions[i].ActionList := ActionList1;

Thanks I got it working. I took some time to figure out that NewVisualPlugin.PluginActions := ActionList1;
means you have to set de property pluginiActions in the plugin, but after that it worked like a charm