Hi. Sorry for all waiting time. I have fix on my computer, but there is a chance that it is possible to manage easier for you (it’s temporary work around). Can you please download this archive, unpack and use this files instead of your references. Or download it on official site https://mvnrepository.com/ .
aarfiles.zip (3.4 MB)
I can try but the problem is i have many other references not only these added in this simple app.
I prefer final solution with working elements to test it with my app not only with this simple one.
Can you generate build for me with yours fix?
Where is the problem only in this appcompat or generally in references?
Marc gave me access for firehose
Our Grade references have become outdated on 1.5-2 year. I think you can have problems if you have many libraries. You still can manually download new version from mnvrepository, but I try updated this from our side as soon as posible, but according to the experience of delays, I will not say the exact time.
Are you talking that i should download all my aar used in reference by hand and add to project?
The problem was in gradle? Gradle took old libraries - how should i interpret it?
Can you send me your working test case with aar, because as i remeber i tried this option too
Remobject has his own Gradle libraries, located in user\AppData\Local\RemObjects Software\EBuild\Packages.
All libraries there from 2020 year (as far as i can tell by version). I think many of libraries have only 1-2 upgrades for this years, but appcompat released 5 numeric version.
But all referenced libraries are taken from maven repositiry?
Because as i saw all version numbers are ok…
Can you pack and send me your workaround testcase please…
Remobjects gradle took from official repository or from yours?
But they are taken from official maven repository?
We take it from 3 official repositories, but 2 of them now not working and last has old version aap.
That’s wrong Eugene. That is not how this works.
My question is where is problem because i have mess in my head…
I asked Marc.sometimes ago if i should take aar manually, Marc wrote that there will be no difference… But now we are talking about the same…
You gave me last version (alpha) from repository, but I don’t want newer version because there are many problems with dependencies… I want to stay with this version which has been worked so far. I 'm trying right now with this alpha but I think that version 1.2 should work too - or I missed something ?
Evgeny You must have in the back of your head that this version of appcompat works in AS with all mentioned dependencies …
I added reference which you gave me and compiled simple test case … effect :
That’s why I’m asking for a working test case from your side…
ehhh… another week passed away and I’m in the start point…
Is any solution for this or we don’t know where to search - I need real answer because I can’t wait for the time I don’t know for solution ?
Right now I don’t know. It seems the thing Euegne was looking at was not the right track, so we;'re back where we were before: I don’t know if and how we can fix this, as this seems to be broken behavior in aapt2, which is not our tool. We will continue investigating, but at this stage I cannot promise a fix or a timeline.
As before, my suggestion for a workaround is to create a clean/empty project in Android Studio, and simply use your Elements-compile .jar file as a reference, so you can reuse all your code, but use Android Studio for the rest of the build chain.
I’m sorry, but that’s the best idea I can offer for its right now.
Marc aapt2 is not your tool i know but it works in some way in AS.
I can try with workaround you wrote but I dont know AS well. Can you prepare for me simple testcase for workaround?
As i understood i should prepare jar for my apk in old version of elements?
Can you help me with this workaround, i will be grateful…of course in simple testcase to understand solution.
I have a knife in my throat right now…
Can I in this workaround use ny ready to use activities with views or only logic…without any visual dependencies?? … I have no idea right now and i will dont to hit the wall later-before start working i have to know everything…
My apk uses my and third party libs too…
Or should i write it once again becuse only non visual code can be used?
I really can’t , as I’m not familiar with Android Studio at all.
In any version of Elements. just build your project, and brag the .jar from ./obj
Use the whole code from the ,jar built by Elements, and basically leave the code in AS empty (or a dummy class).
Add the same references to your AS project.
I can build with success my apk only in old version of rem.
I still dont know how to call mainactivity to run this app from jar.
I dont want to waste to much time for this, maybe is someone in your teamt familiar with this?
Just built your app qithn the latest version of Elememts. Ignore the .apk (or oifit fails before generating the apk), grab the .jar file created by the core compile phase, in ./Obj, and reference that from the AS project.
I’m afraid no-one else is familiar with this, sorry. This is the best I can offer you, for now.
Do you think,. Will not I hit the wall with this solution? Maybe i should rewrite all in AS?
Well, that is your call. But the Oxygene code you compiled into a jar is gonna be “fine”, and will work just as well as if you rewrite it all in Java, so… that seems a bit like throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
I’m sure eventually we’ll get the toolchain bugs/adjustments figured out; this was a suggestion to get your existing code packaged and shipped now, using Android Studio’s toolchain for the Android-specific processing…
I dont know only how to reuse activities in this solution to show main and other…