Attributes from libToffe on IOS

I use attributes from libToffee/Attributes.pas at master · remobjects/libToffee · GitHub
How can I get attributes for my super class , I mean I have one object (number 1 super object) with attribute and another one (number 2) which inherits from (number 1). Is any chance to get it ??
I use GetAttributesForProperty but it has only attributes for object (number 2) , I can’t see attributes for my super object (number 1).
How to achieve this ?
Best regards

Can you show me how you call it exactly?

var obiektTabeli := Parametry.Typ.alloc.init;
var vListaPol := obiektTabeli.ListaWlasciwosci;

for vi : Integer := 0 to vListaPol.Count-1 do
var vatrybuty := GetAttributesForProperty(typeOf(obiektTabeli),vi, typeOf(inpx_wspolne.atrybuty.TInpx_DBAtrybutPola)) ;

Should I have attribute for inherited class by design ?
How to call and get all attributes for my class (should i use other method - I want to find all attributes for all my property in class ?
Can i search for attribute using property name not only index ??

Best regards

So currently the apis are a bit “bare”. I think we need to create a wrapper api around this to make this more obvious to use. The thing is that their index matches the list of properties in the class. They shouldn’t show parent classes no.

@mh is this something we should wrap in rtl2 or you think in Toffee?

@ck Id say let’s focus to make the RTL2 APIs work.

Logged as bugs://E25408.