Borland,Inprise,Codegear,Embarcadero > RemObjects

EMBT milks the Delphi cow since a few years powerfuly, but hasn’t introduced real innovations in the Win32/VCL core since years.
In a perfect world I would hope that Embardadero offer the “classic” Delphi/VCL Part for sale soon and cares only about their new favorite child FMX.
If that hapens sometime, could you take over the “Delphi for VCL” part and modernize the language please? Of course without FMX. :wink: Or, take over the “spanish soup kitchen”.

I just had to pay EUR 800 for my annual Delphi Maintenance, but in real life I got back a few bug fixes for errors that are open since Delphi 2009. From previous years I remember only to Record Helpers and Generics as real features, and Unicode in 2009 of course.

It’s sad, but true. In my environment, more and more good people begin to change their stable VCL projects to FMX. because the aggressive EMBT marketing strategy them hammers in “FMX is the future and the solution for all your problems.”

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Embarcadero have a really nice thing going here. People have a codebase stuck on their product, and EMBT can do (or not do) pretty much whatever they want, and people are going to renew theyr crap, I’m afraid there’s only one way that’s ever gonna change: when good people like you stop throwing good money after bad. :(.

My recommendation for anyone who is stuck on legacy Delphi code: draw a line in the sand, and say, “until here and no further”. standardize on whatever version of Delphi you already own, and keep maintaining your projects with that. And ditch Delphi, for future projects. (and i don’t care whether you ditch it for Oxygene, or for something from a different vendor. What matters is that EMBT doesn’t keep raking in revenue without providing value — it’s the only way the can change and learn, and will stop milking that cow).

it’s unlikely to happen, from either side. To start with, why would EMBT ever part with said golden cow, until it’s truly wrought dry? and if they did, i’m sure they’d not want to sell to us. They hate us and what re represent: a challenge to the fact that “Embarcadero own Pascal” (that’s a quote).

On our side, i don’t believe we’d be interested in buying it from them, even if offered. For one, EMBT is not a company i’d ever want to do business again. been there, done there, got fucked and did not even get a Tee-Shirt. For another, Delphi is stone-age technology, and i dread to think what would be involved in maintaining it, let alone bringing it forward into the 21st century. There’s probably very sound technical reasons why EMBT isn’t moving the language forward at anything but a glacial pace — and why former compiler engineer Danny Thorpe was literally afraid to touch the compiler, for the decade or so that he was in charge of it. It must be one crappy codebase.

We do have grand(er) plans for Pascal (and C#), and they include what EMBT calls “true native” development — that is, building CPU-native code without the .NET runtime — but we’ll approach them from our end, with the two great languages we already have. (and that’s really all i can say, unless i want Carlo to send out the hit squad ;).

Delphi would not have a good home here with us. But i agree it would deserve, and could flourish, at least for Windows/VCL development, at a company different than EMBT that really was invested in and loved the product — not just its milk.

That’s freaking scary. My heart goes out to those poor misled souls.

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This is planned over the actual developers Oxygene code or will be need a complete rewrite of code?

as i said ;).

That said, i’m not sure i understand your question. Whatever we have planned here will become a feature and part of the Oxygene (and Hydrogene) products — not a completely new/different language.

I know you can´t say anymore, but i must try. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is the response to my question. Thanks!

Yes, that sounds really great.
If it’s sometime so far, then I besiege DevExpress & Co every day with emails until the bring out their VCL components for the RO Elements languages or until they block my emails :wink: