It seems you have a bug in importing nested type aliases in delphi classes.
The declaration of those type aliases is sometimes omitting the class name.
As an example: Delphi 11 REST.Backend.Providers exposes two classes with an embedded alias type ‘TExecuteProc’
TBackendAPIThread<T: class> = class(TBackendAPIThread)
public type
TExecuteProc = TProc;
TBackendServiceComponent<TI: IBackendService; T: Class> = class(TBackendServiceComponent)
public type
TExecuteProc = TProc;
this maps to
Delphi.REST.Backend.Providers.TExecuteProc = assembly Delphi.System.SysUtils.TProc;
Delphi.REST.Backend.Providers.TExecuteProc = assembly Delphi.System.SysUtils.TProc;
in the HeaderImporter translated pas file.
(Notice the two same occurences, this is no typo).
This should be something like this:
Delphi.REST.Backend.Providers.TBackendAPIThread1.TExecuteProc = assembly Delphi.System.SysUtils.TProc; Delphi.REST.Backend.Providers.TBackendServiceComponent
2.TExecuteProc = assembly Delphi.System.SysUtils.TProc;
Note that this is no problem with the pas file generator, it it seen also in the generated xml file.
Best Regards