C# out of memory (inernal error)

Latest beta, iOS project. output is NSMutableData

this code causes VS hang for 10 sec. and finally throw: “Error 3 (E0) Internal error: Exception of type ‘System.OutOfMemoryException’ was thrown.”

int _int;
output.getBytes(&_int) range(NSMakeRange(0, sizeof(int)));
_int = CFSwapInt32BigToHost(_int);


Fire is affected too.

Looks like all swap iOS functions do not works eg: CFSwapInt32


Thanks, logged as bugs://72815

bugs://72815 got closed with status fixed.

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Looks like yes. The underlying functions were in inline asm, which we don’t currently support, but it should work in the next version.

yep checked and it was inline asm :slight_smile: Tried find any workaround but no way :slight_smile: Super to see that is fixed. You really fast guys :slight_smile:


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