Can I use Blazor ThirdParty Controls and Elements together

The question was: Can I use Blazor ThirdParty Controls and Elements together?
Or: If I use Elements can I use Blazor ThirdParty Controls?

As of right now, we have not officially tested or supported Blazor with Elements. It should, probably “just work”, bit it’s not a scenario we’ve focused on yet, as we do have our own, more native and low-level WebAssembly support in Elements that will perform much better.

In general, (Blazor itself aside), any standards .NET libraries and components that work with Visual C# and Visual Basic should work seamlessly with Elements as well,

Marc, as I remember, one of the reasons for supporting WebAssembly as a target was the possibility of implementing a generic VCL (any visual component library) for all the Element languages. I don’t see progress on that direction, and supporting Blazor could be a solution.