Can Relativity server do file transfers?

Can Relativity server do file transfers or do we need to make a custom RO server and log into that separately to do the transfers like the examples in RO SDK?

No, Relativity Server doesn’t provide any file transfer services.

So if my app is going to use relativity or DA but I need file transfers then I should just use a separate port and login (just like the extended file transfer sample in RO) to do the file transfers?

That, or just do a custom DA server instead of using Relativity, and add the custom services to that. (no extra custom code will be required for the “Relativity” functionality, ie for hosting your schemas and making the database data accessible)

Thank you Marc, That is what I needed to know now I can get this project in the right direction. Sometimes when things seem obvious its still better to check and ask the experts of their framework!!

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Happy to help!