Having upgraded to on VISUAL Studio 2022, I can no longer build my project and in fact even a simple Winforms project does not seem to compile.
I created a new Winforms project and dropped a module manager on the main form. Then trying just declaring something of type PluginDescriptor gives the following:
The type ‘PluginDescriptor’ exists in both ‘RemObjects.Hydra.Host, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3df3cad1b7aa5098’ and 'RemObjects.Hydra, Version=, Culture=neutral,
However I need both references. Do I need to separate the form with the module manager from any code referencing RemObjects? I didn’t before.
You need two references to the same .dll (i assume one is the one we skip (PublicKeyToken=3df3cad1b7aa5098), and one is one you built yourself? I don’t see how that would work; why do you think you need thi=s?