Cannot implement method from protocol which returns Self?

Consider the following:

protocol AnyPromise

	func always() -> Self

class Promise: AnyPromise

	open func always() -> Self
		return self

let x: AnyPromise = Promise()

The purpose of AnyPromise is to be able to use the promise in a type erased fashion and do things with mutliple promises of different types. The return type of Self should be magic and work between protocols and generic classes.

Works ok in a playground:

Fails to compile in Fire / Silver:

/Users/jon/Documents/consoleapplication4222/Program.swift(9,7): error E179: Method “always() -> Self” not implemented as required for interface “AnyPromise”
/Users/jon/Documents/consoleapplication4222/Program.swift(9,7): warning N12: Possible match: Promise!.always() -> Self
/Users/jon/Documents/consoleapplication4222/Program.swift(3,10): warning N4: Type “AnyPromise” was declared here

Returning Promise, and other things I tried, also fails.

I believe Self on protocols is not yet fully supported, due to limitations of the generic type system on some of the platforms. It’s something we’re looking into improving.

I figured, thanks. For this particular method I had to workaround with a different method which returns nothing.
By the way, did you see this - I’m guessing most of these projects depend on Foundation, but may be useful?

Something worth looking at, yes.