I tried to run/debug then .Net Core WinForms template on my W10/32 bit OS.
I’ve used the win-x86 switch as given on the other thread.
Running with debug gives
~> Process WindowsApplication86 started, took 0.296.
~> The process failed to start with the following error: System.Exception: Could not find an appropriate version of dbgshim.dll
~> at RemObjects.Elements.Debugger.CLR.CLRDebugEngine.Start()
~> at a.a(String a)
and running without debug gives
Der Befehl “C:\Program” ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder
konnte nicht gefunden werden.
Could you check in Water.log (C:\Users\your_name\AppData\Local\RemObjects Software\Elements) what argument you have for "NetCoreDebugShim" when you run your app?
the good news:
setting the RuntimeIdentifier isn’t needed anymore and the missig dbgshim.dll
problem seems also be solved.
But: running w/o debug gives the same error (missing quotes ?) and
debugging instantly terminates now without hitting any breakpoint with
~> Process WindowsApplication86 started, took 3.876.
~> Attaching to 6284
~> Process WindowsApplication86 terminated with exit code -1. Ran for 2.009