Can't compile Oxygene on .2605

I cannot compile a brand new Oxygene Android project on .2605 due to the ongoing Byte issue.

d8> Error in /../cooper.jar:Remobjects/Elements/System/UnsignedByte.class at byte Remobjects.Elements.System.UnsignedByte.parseByte(java.lang.String, int):
d8> NullPointerException during IR Conversion
d8> Compilation failed

On a different project I also have this error

d8> Error in /../elements.jar:RemObjects/Elements/RTL/Url.class at java.lang.String RemObjects.Elements.RTL.Url.AddPercentEncodingsToPath(java.lang.String, boolean):
d8> NullPointerException during IR Conversion
d8> Compilation failed

A less significant bug is that these messages were not detected as errors by Ebuild. The build failed with “0 errors”

I just tested and I can compile on .2604 (20210218-185000-elements-develop)

I do not get the Byte error in .2604 but I do still get the AddPercentEncodingsToPath error in .2604.

Thanks, logged as bugs://85616

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Yeah, arcing errors from, Android tools is tricky, at best. this one isn’t using ay of the existing patterns. will fix.

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What even worse, after the crash in d8, the rest run wold see the partial deed folder, see its newer, and assume its good, and move on w/o error. Also fixed…

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Fixed in 20210223-095633-elements-develop.

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bugs://85616 got closed with status fixed.